This article has been designed with the understanding that you know a more than basic knowledge of OIA meaning you have experience in data imports. My goal here is to express the mandatory requirements along with some best practice on importing account.
After implementing OIA on a number of real-world engagements, I’ve slowly grown tired of the 3rd party clover ETL scheduler configured OOTB for data imports. From my experience, many organizations have a centralized ETL framework for manipulations so there’s no logical justification to segregate OIA’s required ETL efforts. But what if they’re missing an ETL framework? Were talking about the minority of companies here though here’s an alterative to scheduling imports into OIA.
Around 1 year ago I came across this issue and could not find a solution. 16-ish months later and I've solved how to have OIA and OIM 11g residing on the same admin domain though on separate managed servers.
The intention here is highlight the policy violations and demonstrate the preventative SOD enforcements between policies. In this example, the word 'preventative' is used loosely. There are clear indications on the SOD enforcements though maybe not as expected.
By default, OIA will only display a maximun 500 Records. I have commonly worked with a high number of identities within OIA. Because of this, I have often had to increase the total value of identities (globalusers) displayed within the OIA GUI. Here is how to increase this value.
I experienced this failed import when trying to import some data feeds. If you've experienced OIA GUI logs before, you'll know the information is inadequate to determine the import.
I came across this issue when starting up OID from cold. I had the database and managedServer working along with ODSM running though I was experiencing the following issues:
So for the last two days I have been trying to get LDAP authentication working within OIA (11GR2) I did manage to construct an LDAP authentication and ignored the Release notes of OIA stating 'OIA has Dropped Support for LDAP Authentication'.
With the intention to import many flat files in the future, I have created a stagingDR directory (with my initials included knowing that if I forget in the future, I know I created that) and within that directory I created another directory called Imports. This is where I will be dropping my data feed so OIM can acknowledge the file and import it.
Here is how to create a non-trusted reconciliation by using Oracle Identity Manager (OIM) (11gR2) and Oracle Identity Directory (OID)
So if you've arrived at this website looking for a solution then you will be disappointed. I've spent most of today trying to configure a Weblogic JNDI data store for an OIA database connection by following the Oracle article, ' 3.7 To Configure J2EE Data Sources for Oracle Identity Analytics (Optional)'
I created the required steps to create a trusted Reconciliation and posted this on youtube back later 2012. I was just tired on following the Oracle documentation without them proof reading and making sure it works correctly. To counter this lazy approach that Oracle makes, I decided to make a video on this.
Rumors have it, the mechanical toy company Meccano, intentionally developed their instructions incorrectly to develop ingenuity for the developing minds. I guess Oracle are trying to adopt the same nature. If this is true, then the Identity Certification Remediation Steps follow that same ruling.
This post goes through the steps demolish the OIA environment and refresh one. This can be achieved by executing the DB version script and all it's incremental versions.
Typically, OIA would use the global user import will use the Username as the authoritative information for that identity. Based on different scenarios, OIA will treat this in a different manner.
In recent Oracle Identity Analytics versions, risk summary can be associated to all the values such as accounts, attribues, entitlements, role, policies yarda yarda yarda. Here are the steps on how to complete this
In recent Oracle Identity Analytics versions, risk summary can be associated to all the values such as accounts, attribues, entitlements, role, policies yarda yarda yarda. Here are the steps on how to complete this
When installing Oracle's OPAM on a linux environment, I came to realize that the document was stating that I needed to set ORACLE_HOME for OPAM, though it was already set for the other Oracle fusion middleware products, such as OIM,OIA,SOA,OID etc.
The steps required to resolve the issue when you receive the following error within OPAM 11gR2: 'A Privileged Account Manager Server Configuration error caused a connection failure'
I noticed that Oracle Identity Analytics (OIA) is readily available though I was experiencing difficulties with the installation of the new patch. I currently had OIA installed and wished to migrate it up.
Most people you will come across understand that the java arguments -ms, -mx, PermSize, MaxPermSize etc. need to be set in order for there to be sufficient java memory allocation for Oracle Identity Manager 11g to run. OIM 11g compared to OIM 10g requires a tremendous amount of java allocation. More often than not, when you're running your job schedulers, process forms, or even starting up the system, you may experience "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space". No worries, here are the simple steps to resolve the issue.
Here are the steps to install OBIEE (Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition) 11g though I purposely installed Oracle Business intelligence so I can use BI publisher 11g, which is simply 1 of many products that comes packaged within OBIEE.
MDS-01376: Unable to get database connection from data source "mds-owsm" configured with JNDI name "jdbc/mds/owsm".
weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceDeadException: 0:weblogic.common.ResourceException: Could not create pool connection. The DBMS driver exception was: ORA-28001: the password has expired
So I installed the new version of bi publisher 11g and was presented with the typical welcome screen. The this is, I didn't know the
credentials for admin access. The old 10g was Administrator/Administrator though the access control has now been locked down within
the new version of bi publisher.
I noticed that when I go to the bi publisher screen, I received an immediate 'Server not initialized. please make sure the repository is ready'.
here are the steps required to resolve this.
Whilst importing accounts into OIA via a flat file feed, you check the progress within the import/Export logs then you're presented
with the ERROR exception level with the UTTER USELESS description of 'Unable to import accounts'
After attempting to log into OID after starting up the server and services, I notice that I was unable to log into the OID domain using any credentials.
You will noticie within
OIA document under the title, '2.2.6 Importing Glossary Names' for glossary imports,
the expected schema file for 11g are as follows:
Like most developers would typically do, I created a more comprehensive Oracle SQL code outside the realms of the bi Publisher with
the intention on importing this directly into BI publisher thus creating a pre-defined data model for my custom report.
Within BI Publisher (OBIEE), I created a data model by using the SQL query and connecting it to the database though after using this
for the report creation
The new 11g Bi Publisher has changed substantially as Oracle has provided a more lightweight approach,
which all in all has it's benefits, though from a developers perspective has changed to the approach completely.
I have collected a compilation of 'how to startup bi publisher' though to also proceed with the troubleshooting process if BI publisher is unavailable.
I came across this issue in previous installments however I was boggling for a couple of days without a solution. I did however manage to get this resolved
on the 3rd day though never recorded what I changed in order to get this working. Now I'm in the same position, I am adamant to find the solution once more, and here it is.
(Though I ended with a different result this time)
After refreshing my VM environment and tried to startup Weblogic to run Bi publisher, I was experiencing the following error and subsequently failing to startup bi publisher.
When creating the a SQL query within SQL developer and executing it successfully, When I transferred it over to bi publisher to create a
data model for the report, I was getting the ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis error
I am bringing back two columns, Username and Inactive. I want to convert my SQL query returning 2 columns by a comma delimited
into a line-delimiter. The intention here is to loop through each column, for each row, and display this in a line-delimited format
This was a nightmare to understand, though incredibly easy to create. The oracle documentation is somewhat convoluted to the point where
I extracted various information from multiple websites to help me with building eText intuitively.
You will notice within the BI publisher design, there are OOTB page elements available such as 'page break',
'Total Pages', 'Page Number' though there's possibility to expand out to further functionality, which is
annoying because the simplest function you wish to use, such as 'current date' or 'timestamp', which are not available.
I have been trying for hours now to create a dataset within BiP 11g by importing in an XML file. There seems to be a lot of information around XML files for the 10g version of BiP, though no acknowledgement that importing XML files as data sets is available for the 11g version.
Long story short, I have my doubts that this 11g version is even possible.
In JDeveloper when you write a java class with a main() method that takes no argument,
you just right click the java file and select Run to run the program. But suppose the main() method takes arguments... This is how you do it
When configuring OIA with WLS server clustering environment, I noticed the following error when trying to startup WLS
Unable to start the Universal Connection Pool: oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException: Error during pool creation in Universal Connection Pool Manager MBean: oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException: Error during pool creation in Universal Connection Pool Manager: oracle.ucp.UniversalConnectionPoolException: Universal Connection Pool already exists in the Universal Connection Pool Manager. Universal Connection Pool cannot be added to the Universal Connection Pool Manager]
You will notice that the BI Publisher interface does have OOTB page elements functionality
(such as Page Break, Page Number, and Total Pages), which are all common functionalities. One functionality
you will notice that isn't available is adding date into BI Publisher.
Whilst connecting OIM with OIA, you may receive an error stating that you cannot receive the 'current Data Collection Session ID'. OIM data collection scheduler has
to be enabled, which by default it is, though you may be experiencing the following error whilst attempting to import the usr or application data.
Whilst connecting OIM with OIA, you may receive an error stating that you cannot receive the 'current Data Collection Session ID'. OIM data collection scheduler has
to be enabled, which by default it is, though you may be experiencing the following error whilst attempting to import the usr or application data.
When you move IDE's, you are required to learn on new 'HOW TO' techniques. I did come across this issue before when I leaped from netbeans to Eclipse
and encountered a similar issue
I experienced this issue when I was re-deploying the same web app (OIA) from one server, to another by simply sftp'ing over the file to the new server and deploying that.
After identifying that the registered control files are incorrect (after receiving the ORA-00205: error in identifying control file, check alert log for more info error)
though after executing the system set control files, I would receive and ORA-02095: specified initialization parameter cannot be modified error
The OIM11gR2 PS2 installation is 95% difference with the OIM11gR2 procedural installation. I was however aware that SOA patch is mandatory for the installation of OIM. When I executed the following command, I would receive the following error:
Note: Identity and Access Management 11g R2 PS2 installers can be downloaded from
OIA will take into consideration the aggregated risk-based factors and determine the risk summary based on the
highest value based on these factor. The result will provide the risk level.
When progressing through the Oracle Identity and Access Management Configuration, the 'Configure OIM Server' status would fail with
the error Exception occurred while encrypting the configuration and database, step Configure OIM Server failed
When attempting to configure OIM, I would receive the following error when trying to connect to the Weblogic instance 'Check the SOA version compatibility'
I could not locate the absolute memory allocation for the Weblogic managed servers for OIM and SOA.
Allocating the maximum allocation pool (-Xmx), heap size, does not allocate the total RAM memory to the Weblogic managed servers.
Items outside the realms of the maximum allocations poll, such as thread stacks, perm sizes, and library memory allocations also need to be considered.
The steps required to use the exposed OIM 11gR2PS2 APIs from JDeveloper to your VM OIM instance, running on MAC and RHEL respectively. The example
below goes through a quick demonstration on how to create a user using the exposed OIM APIs
A couple of years ago I submitted a blog on the
OIM 10g Terminology. It was a little lightweight though now I've
pulled together the OIM technologies. Hope this helps
When starting work with the OIM/AD connector and following the step by step processes on and updated (yet incomplete) OIM/AD integrated documentation,
I noticed I was getting the following error:
When starting work with the OIM/AD connector and following the step by step processes on and updated (yet incomplete) OIM/AD integrated documentation,
I noticed I was getting the following error:
If you want to purge the cache before the allocated amount of time, use the PurgeCache utility in the OIM_HOME/bin directory. This utility purges all elements in the cache
Whilst using the ant command to implement the plugin, I experienced an issue a
'Could not find or load main class oracle.iam.platformservice.utils.PluginUtility' error when executing the ant register command
Whilst using the ant command to implement the plugin, I experienced an issue a
'Could not find or load main class oracle.iam.platformservice.utils.PluginUtility' error when executing the ant register command
It took my a while to determine why my custom-made scheduled tasks were not showing up after following the
new 11g 'how to create a scheduled task via plugin'. Turns out the META-INF folder is an optional which contains the metadata (task definition). If you don't have
this file, you need to import the metadata file into the MDS manually.
MDS-91020: MDS Application runtime MBean for "OIMMetadata" is not available in server "oim_server1". Ensure server name and application name are correct. "exportMetadata" operation failure.
When trying to export the metadata, probably using something such as
exportMetadata(application='OIMMetadata',server='oim_server1',toLocation='/home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/tmp'), I would receive the following error:
MDS-91020: MDS Application runtime MBean for "OIMMetadata" is not available in server "oim_server1". Ensure server name and application name are correct. "importMetadata" operation failure
OIM No route to host
org.identityconnectors.framework.common.exceptions.ConnectorException: No route to host
As always, you often find yourself scrummaging through the oracle documentation and google for hours to discover the procedural steps, which realistically should only be a 20 min job
When using the export utility, the following error
error will be as follows: WLSTException: java.lang.SecurityException: MBean operation access denied. would occur
When setting up the connector server key, I would receive an 'access denied' with a System.UnauthorizedAccessException trace
System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Identity Connectors\Connector Server\r2dadszy.tmp' is denied.
This error would occur within Oracle Identity Manager (OIM) 11g when selecting specific schedule tasks within the Admin GUI, I would receive an java.lang.VirtualMachineError
Despite that the vague error, Remote host closed connection during handshake, maybe a result of multitude of possible reasons, the reason why this is occurring is because the remove client is dropping the connection.
I notice this issue once the WLS admin was restarted after the schedule task became unresponsive and remaining in the Interrupt status despite that I bounced the WLS managed server.
While integrating OIM 11g with the ICF connector resource for reconciliation, I would often get the following error, javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.InstantiationError: java.lang.VirtualMachineError after a couple of attempts:
Often this issue occurs when you're trying to delete an old scheduled task or if you're performing an operation with a schedule
task that may otherwise should be working though obviously it doesn't.
Once reviewed within the connector server logs, I would see the following error: ConnectorServer.exe Error: 0 : Exception occured starting connector server
One thing I do admire about OIM is the GUI interfaces within em on the ranking order of each plugin. The example below will show you how to remove the unwanted process task