Category: Technical Confessions
HOW TO: Broadcast your website over the Internet
Simple free Techniques to submit your website across the Internet100 unique visitors!
First milestone achieved and well done me! TC managed to get 100+ unique visitors since it was born 65 days ago with the current rate of around 3 unique visitors a day.New features developed!!!
I still have the full intention on continuing to build up Here are some of the new features I've developed and what I have lined up for the websiteHOW TO: Re-position your google ads by using CSS
After arriving home from a friends house, I thought I'd amuse myself and check whether Google had made any progress in presenting some advertisement. Turns out Google don't mess around, I could see my advert, fantastic!I did however experience some trouble in aligning the advert correctly. The intention was to align the advert flush with the rest of the information. I achieve this by declaring some CSS parameters and assigning them to a specific 'div', which inside contained the code I extracted from Adsense.