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Category: SAML

Shibboleth IDP status page returns 500 java.lang.noclassdeffounderror javax/servlet/jsp/jstl/core/co

  While deploying IDP on a Tomcat instance, I would then receive a 500 internal error response when I tried to access the shibboleth status page (e.g. http://localhost/idp/status)

Shibboleth SP Issue: opensaml::saml2md::MetadataException

  When integrating the Shibboleth IDP and the Shibboleth SP, I would receive the following saml2 metadata issue

The system encountered an error at
To report this problem, please contact the site administrator at root@localhost.
Please include the following message in any email:
opensaml::saml2md::MetadataException at (http://HOSTNAME/secure/)
Unable to locate metadata for identity provider (https://HOSTNAME/idp/shibboleth)

NameID element must be present as part of the Subject in the Response message

  NameID element must be present as part of the Subject in the Response message, please enable it in the IDP configuration.
