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Category: Oracle Database

What's my Oracle DB service name?

  Determine the services used against your deployed database

HOW TO: Delete existing schemas from Oracle DB using RCU

  The most efficient way on removing the DDL's from your Oracle Database

HOW TO: Startup Oracle database Instances

  A .sh script to startup an Oracle DB instance, listeners and emctrls

ERROR: NMO not setuid-root (Unix-only)

  When trying to log into Enterprise Manager (EM) with the correct credentials, I was the error, RemoteOperationException: ERROR: NMO not setuid-root (Unix-only).

ORA-28001 the password has expired (DBD Error:OCISessionBegin)

  It seems that when you're experiencing a ORA-28001, or if the enterprise manager is unable to connect to the database instance, the probable cause to the issue is that the SYSMAN user password has expired. Not a problem, you an can unlock this user with the example below (in this case, the password for the SYSMAN is 'password')

HOW TO: Install SQL Developer 3.2 on RHEL 5.x

  A very simple installation on the product though here's a quick step-by-step instructions on how to install SQL developer 3.2 on Redhat linux 5.x

HOW TO: Install Oracle Database 11.2.0.x on Linux 64bit

  Oracle database 11.2.0.x on Linux 64bit including the prerequisites in preparation for OIM (OFM) 11gR2 11.2.0.x

Two SQL triggers on one table

  It's not possible (to my knowledge) to have two triggers on one table that purposely has the same operation. I was trying to incorporate additional inserts into the table after the data has been imported in another table.

ORA-28002 the password will expire within 7 days

  A database warning was encountered performing the requested operation ORA-28002 the password will expire within 7 days Cause: The user's account is about to expire and the password needs to be changed Action Change the password or contact the DBA

Installing Oracle Database 11gR2

  Whilst I was installing a new Oracle Database when running the runInstaller shell within terminal for OIM 11gR2 on Linux OEL 6.0 for a VMware instance, I would receive the following error

Install oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall without Oracle support

  Within the installation of Oracle Database 11g Release 2, I noticed that the OS did not have the minimum requirements for installation in order to complete the installation

SOLUTION: sqlplus: command not found

  Once you have installed Oracle database and restarted the OS, you may experience 'sqlplus: command not found' error

emctl start dbconsole

  emctl start dbconsole

LRM-00109: could not open parameter file '/home/oracle/app/oracle/product /11.2.0/dbhome_1/dbs/inito

  The solution when the parameter file LRM-00109 occurs for Oracle Fusion Middleware

TNS:net service name is incorrectly specified

  Starting up database in preparation for the Oracle Identity Manager 11gR2 PS2 schema installation

Unable to log in using sys password against ORCL service

  You can test the sys connection by executing the following sqlplus command (by using the service name above:

ORA-02095: specified initialization parameter cannot be modified

  When trying to initiate the DB instance, I would receive the following error:

ERROR at line 1: ORA-32001: write to SPFILE requested but no SPFILE is in use

  When toggling around with the database startup, I was receiving the following error

ERROR: LRM-00109: could not open parameter file '/opt/oracle/112/dbs/initorcl.ora'

  Error when starting up the Oracle SQL instance

ERROR: LRM-00109: could not open parameter file '/opt/oracle/112/dbs/initorcl.ora'

  When trying to initiate the oracle database for the purpose on installing OIM 11gR2PS2, I would receive the following error:

ERROR: LRM-00109: could not open parameter file opt oracle 112 dbs initorcl.ora

  ERROR: LRM-00109: could not open parameter file /opt/oracle/112/dbs/initorcl.ora

Issues when initiating Oracle Database whilst installing OIM11gR2PS2

  I came across so many issues when trying to pack OIM 11gR2PS2 on my 7.5GB VM image. One alteration I had constantly manipulate was the control file.

ORA-12516, TNS:listener could not find available handler with matching protocol stack

  When starting up the OIM weblogic instance, I would receive the following error:

ORA-00838: Specified value of MEMORY_TARGET is too small, needs to be at least 180 M

  I ended up noticing this issue when there's not enough memory assigned than the minimum requirement.

Missing SID_LIST_ value left of equation for SID description in LISTENER.ORA

  Access the listener.ora file (example vi /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/listener.ora) and make sure that the lines of code in LISTENER.ORA containing SID_DESC or SID begin with SID_LIST_ on the left side of the equation. Once you've done that, you can try the restart to then notice that the services become READY
