When trying to log into Enterprise Manager (EM) with the correct credentials, I was the error, RemoteOperationException: ERROR: NMO not setuid-root (Unix-only).
It seems that when you're experiencing a ORA-28001, or if the enterprise manager is unable to connect to the database instance, the probable cause to the issue is that the SYSMAN user password has expired. Not a problem, you an can unlock this user with the example below (in this case, the password for the SYSMAN is 'password')
It's not possible (to my knowledge) to have two triggers on one table that purposely has the same operation.
I was trying to incorporate additional inserts into the table after the data has been imported in another table.
A database warning was encountered performing the requested operation ORA-28002 the password will expire within 7 days
Cause: The user's account is about to expire and the password needs to be changed
Action Change the password or contact the DBA
Whilst I was installing a new Oracle Database when running the runInstaller shell within terminal
for OIM 11gR2 on Linux OEL 6.0 for a VMware instance, I would receive the following error
Within the installation of Oracle Database 11g Release 2, I noticed that the OS did not have the minimum requirements for installation in order to complete the installation
Access the listener.ora file (example vi /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/listener.ora) and
make sure that the lines of code in LISTENER.ORA containing SID_DESC or SID begin with SID_LIST_ on the left side of the equation. Once you've done that,
you can try the restart to then notice that the services become READY