When trying to log into Enterprise Manager (EM) with the correct credentials, I was the error, RemoteOperationException: ERROR: NMO not setuid-root (Unix-only).
It seems that when you're experiencing a ORA-28001, or if the enterprise manager is unable to connect to the database instance, the probable cause to the issue is that the SYSMAN user password has expired. Not a problem, you an can unlock this user with the example below (in this case, the password for the SYSMAN is 'password')
When importing the glossaries, I noticed that the glossary description within the OIA Oracle Documentation was incorrect, specifically
with the 'item risk' attribute. You will however get a 'do not match schema' or that the field 'item_risk' defined in the schema file is not valid error
It's not possible (to my knowledge) to have two triggers on one table that purposely has the same operation.
I was trying to incorporate additional inserts into the table after the data has been imported in another table.
A database warning was encountered performing the requested operation ORA-28002 the password will expire within 7 days
Cause: The user's account is about to expire and the password needs to be changed
Action Change the password or contact the DBA
Whilst I was installing a new Oracle Database when running the runInstaller shell within terminal
for OIM 11gR2 on Linux OEL 6.0 for a VMware instance, I would receive the following error
Within the installation of Oracle Database 11g Release 2, I noticed that the OS did not have the minimum requirements for installation in order to complete the installation
A couple of years ago I submitted a blog on the
OIM 10g Terminology. It was a little lightweight though now I've
pulled together the OIM technologies. Hope this helps
Access the listener.ora file (example vi /home/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/listener.ora) and
make sure that the lines of code in LISTENER.ORA containing SID_DESC or SID begin with SID_LIST_ on the left side of the equation. Once you've done that,
you can try the restart to then notice that the services become READY