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Category: OAM

OIF issue - Invalid/unsupported key store or incorrect password

  When initiating the startup of the managed node, I would see the errors, oracle.security.fed.sec.key.select.KeystoreStore, cannot open the key store

What version of Oracle Access Manager (OAM) am I using?

  Nowadays the granulated versions of the middleware applications, whether it's Release version, Patch Sets, or a Bundle patch, is not typically located within the GUI interface (probably because it's often a nightmare to link the RCU and application versions to the rendering GUI page).

How to install OAM 11g R2 PS2 ( on RHEL

  I'm making the assumption that you already have the database installed. If not, here's a quick link on HOW TO: Install Oracle Database 11.2.0.x on Linux 64bit.
