After java programming within Netbeans, I noticed the javadocs were not included as part of the vanilla installation. If you have experienced the Oracle website in the past, you will understand how much of a nightmare it is to navigate through. So here's a simple demonstration on how to install the Javadocs for your netbeans/OS X MAC installation.
This article takes a simplistic approach for individuals to understand about memory allocated to Java. I'm a true believer that new learning should be built on prior knowledge of which allows an individual to deepen their existing understanding instead of starting from scratch. I'm assuming you know something about java though unless you're highly intuitive, understanding java memory performance issues can become difficult to grasp and easily forgotten. I've deliberately avoided any technical jargon for the initial phase to prevent individuals stopping mid-sentence to look up the terminology though by the end of this blog hope you understand java in it's correct form.
This blog quickly outlines how to use Java properties file, which consists of property values that is then stored into a string
value and can be used however you wish
Assert is used for data validation to ensure the values are realistic. Age is a good example, if you pass over a value off 600, it's not realistic and therefore you can apply an assertion within the code.
Assert is used during development and should not be used in production environments.
ClassNotFoundException is a nightmare for developers regardless on their java experience.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException occurs because a particular java class cannot be found. Simple enough,
there's many reasons why this may be the case.
I could not locate the absolute memory allocation for the Weblogic managed servers for OIM and SOA.
Allocating the maximum allocation pool (-Xmx), heap size, does not allocate the total RAM memory to the Weblogic managed servers.
Items outside the realms of the maximum allocations poll, such as thread stacks, perm sizes, and library memory allocations also need to be considered.
The steps required to use the exposed OIM 11gR2PS2 APIs from JDeveloper to your VM OIM instance, running on MAC and RHEL respectively. The example
below goes through a quick demonstration on how to create a user using the exposed OIM APIs
You need to include the system property of the ''. The fastest way is to include the following System.setProperty line
within your java code when authenticating against weblogic
In this example, I've quickly highlighted the JMS (Java Message Service) components with a simple POJO (Plain Old Java Object) for
an asynchronous oracle database queue as well as constructing a JMS_TEXT_MESSAGE to the queue.