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Category: BI Publisher 11g

HOW TO: Install Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

  Here are the steps to install OBIEE (Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition) 11g though I purposely installed Oracle Business intelligence so I can use BI publisher 11g, which is simply 1 of many products that comes packaged within OBIEE.

HOW TO: Startup BI Publisher

  The high level steps required to startup BI publisher and OBIEE 11g

Bi Publisher - ORA-28001 mds-owsm password expired

  MDS-01376: Unable to get database connection from data source "mds-owsm" configured with JNDI name "jdbc/mds/owsm". weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourceDeadException: 0:weblogic.common.ResourceException: Could not create pool connection. The DBMS driver exception was: ORA-28001: the password has expired

Unable to login to BI publisher as administrator

  So I installed the new version of bi publisher 11g and was presented with the typical welcome screen. The this is, I didn't know the credentials for admin access. The old 10g was Administrator/Administrator though the access control has now been locked down within the new version of bi publisher.

BI Publisher: Server not initialized. please make sure the repository is ready

  I noticed that when I go to the bi publisher screen, I received an immediate 'Server not initialized. please make sure the repository is ready'. here are the steps required to resolve this.

Bi Publisher 11g (OBIEE) ORA-00905: missing keyword

  Like most developers would typically do, I created a more comprehensive Oracle SQL code outside the realms of the bi Publisher with the intention on importing this directly into BI publisher thus creating a pre-defined data model for my custom report.

BI Publisher Error: Data Model does not contain sample data. Please edit Data Model and save with sa

  Within BI Publisher (OBIEE), I created a data model by using the SQL query and connecting it to the database though after using this for the report creation

OBIEE BI Publisher: Server not initialized. Please make sure the repository is ready.

  I came across this issue, when I started up the Weblogic instance and navigated to the BI URL

HOW TO: Configure Bi Publisher in CSV format

  The new 11g Bi Publisher has changed substantially as Oracle has provided a more lightweight approach, which all in all has it's benefits, though from a developers perspective has changed to the approach completely.

HOW TO: Startup bi publisher 11g from scratch

  I have collected a compilation of 'how to startup bi publisher' though to also proceed with the troubleshooting process if BI publisher is unavailable.

Cannot access analytics URL within bi publisher (Bieehome)

  When I completed a fresh install of BI publisher and the BIEE home, I noticed I was getting an 'unable to login to Bi Publisher error

Bi Publisher [Security:090302]Authentication Failed: User BISystemUser denied

  After troubleshooting bi publisher and creating the blog *****, I was experiencing further issues that 'BISystemUser' was being denied.

ISSUE: Unable to access Bi Publisher: Login failed, please retry.

  I came across this issue in previous installments however I was boggling for a couple of days without a solution. I did however manage to get this resolved on the 3rd day though never recorded what I changed in order to get this working. Now I'm in the same position, I am adamant to find the solution once more, and here it is. (Though I ended with a different result this time)

BI Publisher - Could not create pool connection. ORA-28001: the password has expired

  After refreshing my VM environment and tried to startup Weblogic to run Bi publisher, I was experiencing the following error and subsequently failing to startup bi publisher.

ORA-00907: missing Right parenthesis within bi publisher

  When creating the a SQL query within SQL developer and executing it successfully, When I transferred it over to bi publisher to create a data model for the report, I was getting the ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis error

HOW TO: Create a line-delimited file within Bi Publisher using SQL query data set

  I am bringing back two columns, Username and Inactive. I want to convert my SQL query returning 2 columns by a comma delimited into a line-delimiter. The intention here is to loop through each column, for each row, and display this in a line-delimited format

HOW TO: create a .txt (text) file within bi publisher 11g

  This was a nightmare to understand, though incredibly easy to create. The oracle documentation is somewhat convoluted to the point where I extracted various information from multiple websites to help me with building eText intuitively.

Adding Current Date within Bi Publisher 11g

  You will notice within the BI publisher design, there are OOTB page elements available such as 'page break', 'Total Pages', 'Page Number' though there's possibility to expand out to further functionality, which is annoying because the simplest function you wish to use, such as 'current date' or 'timestamp', which are not available.

HOW TO: Import a xml file as a dataset (Alternative) - Bi Publisher 11g

  I have been trying for hours now to create a dataset within BiP 11g by importing in an XML file. There seems to be a lot of information around XML files for the 10g version of BiP, though no acknowledgement that importing XML files as data sets is available for the 11g version. Long story short, I have my doubts that this 11g version is even possible.

Bi Publisher - Opening and ending tag mismatch issue

  After importing a sql query into to the data model, I was receiving the following error syntax error.

Add date in BI Publisher 11g report.

  You will notice that the BI Publisher interface does have OOTB page elements functionality (such as Page Break, Page Number, and Total Pages), which are all common functionalities. One functionality you will notice that isn't available is adding date into BI Publisher.
