home / JDeveloper 11g

Category: JDeveloper 11g

HOW TO: Install Oracle JDeveloper 11g on OS X MAC

  Steps required to install Oracle JDeveloper 11g

Invalid Java Home /System/Library/Frameworks/ JavaVM.Framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home

  When I tried to select the local JDK within the JDeveloper installation, I was receiving the following error:

Fatal error encountered during file installation. the installer will now cleanup and exit

  JDeveloper would freeze @ 45% when you attempt to install with only the following notification:

How to pass an argument to a standalone java class in JDeveloper

  In JDeveloper when you write a java class with a main() method that takes no argument, you just right click the java file and select Run to run the program. But suppose the main() method takes arguments... This is how you do it

JDeveloper - Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactor

  When you move IDE's, you are required to learn on new 'HOW TO' techniques. I did come across this issue before when I leaped from netbeans to Eclipse and encountered a similar issue
